For The Next Club Meeting/Pre-Walk Breakfast/Walk
See our Event Calendar
What's Volkssporting about
Questions?: vcwpava@gmail.comClub Officers
Position | Incumbent |
President | Joan Vorbach PO Box 122 West Point, NY 10996-0122 jab2003@frontiernet.net |
Vice President | Jessica Ruit jrein86@yahoo.com |
Treasurer | Andrew Schmidt andrew.dana.schmidt@gmail.com |
Secretary | Carol Schmidt CESCat@aol.com |
News Letter Editor | Open Position |
Web Site Developer | Mike Green mikeginf@gmail.com |
Membership Information
Membership support permits the club to continue to provide quality events. Annual Membership is for all walkers living within the single household. To join, complete the Membership Form and send it along with your check payable to "Volkssport Club at West Point" to:
Volksport Club at West Point
PO Box 122
West Point, NY 10996-0122
PO Box 122
West Point, NY 10996-0122
Club Bylaws
Club Privacy Policy
Upon joining the Volkssport Club at West Point, you will be asked for your full name, address, phone number(s) and email address. Your phone number(s) and email addresses are only used for official club business. At other times, the club will obtain information that you provide, such as on start cards or walk sign-in sheets. Unless requested by a third party as a result of a legal proceeding, the club does not provide these pieces of your personal information (via selling, sharing, or renting) to any other third party organization, including our national American Volkssport Association (AVA). We do provide aggregate totals to third parties (for example, the AVA for summary walk statistics), but not data that provides personally identifiable information (PSI).
When we process any of your payment(s) to the club in form of a check, credit card, or other form of electronic payment, we will destroy our knowledge of account numbers or routing codes for your protection after any appropriate legal holding terms (e.g.: we are required to hold checks for a required period of time should we use electronic check deposit facilities).
You have the right to opt out of any of our email or US mail by asking to have us remove your particular pieces of information should you so desire; you would remain a member of the club until the end of your appropriate membership term unless we hear otherwise.